Make Money Promoting Power Plyos
Make 75% commission on every sale you send to Power Plyos, you send targeted visitors and we'll convert them into sales.
Getting Started
If you don't have a ClickBank account set one up here it only takes a few moments to become an active affiliate.
Linking Code
Send visitors through your own unique tracking link:
Simply replace YOURID with your own ClickBank user ID and you're ready to start promoting Power Plyos.
How To Promote Power Plyos
There are several ways to promote Power Plyos, below are few ways to get started right away.
Article marketing is fairly simple, write a good article about the features of Power Plyos and syndicate your article out to places like - be sure to focus your article on one specific keyword or feature of Power Plyos for the best results.
Paid Search
Setup PPC campaigns on Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. Use highly qualified keywords for best results. Sending traffic to a review style landing page works best, direct linking works good as well.
Display Advertising
Below are some banners for use on your website or for display advertising, these banners were designed to get a high click through rate. Search for ad placements with tools such as DoubleClick's AdPlanner or Compete to find sites with targeted demographics

If you have any questions regarding promoting Power Plyos please feel free to use the contact form and send over any questions/suggestions that you may have.